series /
├── bfs/
    └── Typescript Graph Algorithms: BFS
    └── Graph Algorithms in Typescript: Breadth First Search (BFS)
    └── Graph Algorithms: BFS
├── lina/
    └── Lina's Firmware Updates
    └── Lina's christmas 3d printing survival guide
├── mastering c/
    └── Mastering C with Effective C: Introduction to Makefiles
    └── Mastering C: Building a Project with Nix Flakes
    └── Mastering C: Building a Project with Nix
    └── Blog Post Series: Mastering C with Effective C
    └── Drawing a Rotating Cube in C: A Beginner-Friendly Guide
├── nix/
    └── Mastering C: Building a Project with Nix Flakes
    └── Mastering C: Building a Project with Nix
├── rust/
    └── Typescript Graph Algorithms: BFS
├── ts/
    └── Graph Algorithms in Typescript: Breadth First Search (BFS)